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Why Social Media Apps Are Different From Their PC Counterparts

Social media is something that a lot of people use daily. Whether it be Facebook to check up on old friends, Twitter to see what is going on in the world, or Instagram to see the best photos that the app has to offer. But, have you noticed that there is a difference between going onto social media through your phone versus your computer? Have you ever wondered why that is? Well, we are here to find out.

The Draw of Social Media Apps

Social media apps are used for many reasons. Something for business purposes such as online marketing or to just keep chatting to people while you are away from your computer. Since there is an app for everything, a cliche saying which is true, it is easy to take your digital life with you through your smartphone. Apps are convenient and easy to use as long as you have an internet connection. This can be with Wi-Fi or mobile data.

The thing about apps is that you can go online whenever you want as long as your data plan does not run out. Unlike PCs where you have to be directly connected to data. With your smartphone, you can switch your data on and off when you need to. With PCs, you have to find a hotspot or Wi-Fi to get connected.

The Main Differences Between Apps and PCs

One of the main differences is the devices that you use to connect to your social media accounts. PCs have keyboards which can make it slightly easier for typing longer messages such as email, etc. However, your smartphone also has a keyboard but it can be a bit of a challenge to type something for a long time. And the screen is a lot smaller making it sometimes frustrating to go up and down.

But, if you just need to send a quick short message like in a chat or to update your status then apps are the way to go. You can record and share the moment as it happens there and then. Unlike going back home to your PCs to report something that lost its “in the moment” excitement.

And then there is auto-correct. Word does offer spell check, but this can be ignored. Auto-correct can be a useful tool, do not get us wrong, but sometimes you do not want it. And you would have to go back to type the word you want to use. Which can be a bit annoying.

The thing with social media apps is that they look different from their PC counterparts in terms of layout and often what you can do one them. While some social media were specifically designed to be used on mobile only, such as Instagram, others had their PC part come first, like Facebook.

Facebook for example, as their messenger is separated from the rest of it in app form. And apps just look and behave differently from mobile to PC. This could be due to the different devices that the social media platforms are on. Their designs are different, making the apps different to suit the mobile. Plus, some features can be missing from one to the other.

And memory could also play a role in the set-up of the app. For example, on Instagram, you can upload an IGTV clip but it can only be 15 minutes from your phone. However, on your PC you can upload about an hour of footage.

So Which Should You Use? PC or Mobile?

Apps are in your pocket and are good for a quick message or update. But, if you have something more to do, like send a detailed message or email, or want to go back to check something you have sent before, then PC would be easier and quicker to use. A way you can look at it is that mobile apps are for quickness while PC is for the more detailed.

Sebastian Liremann